Whose website is it – false propoganda of theft & issue details?

The audio and the accompanying document – “Website Issue Details w Proof” is to clarify the issue related to the website – khalifatullahmehdi.info and the actions taken by the Team of KhalifatullahMehdi.info. There is no theft of website as has been circulated. All the website source code and related content is in possession of the person claiming ownership. Brother Syed Muhammad Suhael had proposed a solution to resolve this issue and end the public discourse pertaining to website and bring relief to the community at large. The team is and was actively working on a resolution but external interference and people having no connection to the Team getting involved is complicating the issue further. I apologize to our community members for being dragged through the website controversy and thank you for your continued patience. Insha’allah we are hopeful this will be resolved by the Team that was supporting the website all along very soon.
