Rasoolullah(SAS) received no other miracle except Qur’an

Their belief is that the Messenger of AllahSLM was not given any other miracle except for Qur’an. They also claim that the Kuffar’s assertion about ProphetSAS not able to bring a miracle was confirmed by Qur’an. The following is a Q&A from them

Q: Did Kitabullah acknowledge any miracles given to the Prophet?
A: Nothing besides Quran. Please see Ayah: 29:50-51

Does this deserve any explanation to help the depraved minds and what is it they are trying to preach? AllahSWT while describing the splitting of moon says – “The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split asunder. When these people see a sign, they turn away and say, “(This is) a transient magic. They denied (the Truth) and followed their own lusts. Yet everything will come to a decision” (S 54: 1-3). There are several other miracles stated in Holy Qur’an itself that are well-known and common knowledge.