Their belief is that the Messenger of AllahSLM was not given any other miracle except for Qur’an. They also claim that the Kuffar’s assertion about ProphetSAS not able to bring a miracle was confirmed by Qur’an. The following is a Q&A from them
Q: Did Kitabullah acknowledge any miracles given to the Prophet?
A: Nothing besides Quran. Please see Ayah: 29:50-51
Does this deserve any explanation to help the depraved minds and what is it they are trying to preach? AllahSWT while describing the splitting of moon says – “The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split asunder. When these people see a sign, they turn away and say, “(This is) a transient magic. They denied (the Truth) and followed their own lusts. Yet everything will come to a decision” (S 54: 1-3). There are several other miracles stated in Holy Qur’an itself that are well-known and common knowledge.