They believe wasilah is not valid because the saints themselves are struggling to get the favor of Allah. No Faiz can be received from any of the Buzurgan-e-Deen. Asking AllahSWT…
They believe and now pray all of their Salah including Zuhr and Asr prayers as Jahri. They also insist others to revert to this practice not saying when it was…
They believe past people stories should be taken only as an admonition and not to celebrate anniversaries or URS. Past people stories not to celebrate UrsDownload
They believe Ahram means the state of mind and not the wearing of the ritual cloth for the completion of Hajj or Umrah. Ahram-Not-a-Cloth-but-State-of-MindDownload
(Nauzubillah!) A different command was given by AllahSWT in public to ProphetSAS which is completely opposite to a command given privately in a Hadith! Freedom of Religion - contradiction w…
They believe the Salaf and Khalaf replaced the Qur'an with Sunnah. Thus differentiating the practice of ProphetSAS to be separate from Qur'an. Muslims changed Quran immediately after Prophet(SAS)Download
They believe the Islamic practices based on the Sunnat of Rasoolullah(SAS) is against Qur'an and Muslims did what the enemies of Islam could not do, they changed the Qur'an by…
This ideology believes that the months sacred near Muslims are incorrect and the calendar was changed by Muslims. Q: How many months are sacred and are they scattered or adjoined…
As per this new ideology, Hajj can be performed in 4 months instead of concluding the Hajj on the scheduled days of Dhul-Hijja. See below Q&A describing their ideology- Q11:…
Their belief is that the Messenger of AllahSLM was not given any other miracle except for Qur'an. They also claim that the Kuffar's assertion about ProphetSAS not able to bring…