They believe that Qur’an has reserved humiliating and painful punishment for People involving in Lahw al-Hadith(absurd & senseless HADITH) and intend this to mean Hadith-e-Nabawi. The Q&A section of the website had this:
Q. For what kind of people did Kitabullah stores humiliating and painful punishment?
A: Those who invest their time in Lahw-al-HADITH (absurd and senseless HADITH), so as to lead those without knowledge away from the Path of Allah, making mockery of it (the Qur’an). Please see Ayah: 31:6 (Source: Q&A from the Website from August 2021)
True belief
Please look at the standard acceptable translations of this verse above. No one in their right mind interprets and restricts the meaning of the verse to “HADITH” which in common terms is used for Hadith-e-Nabawi in parlance when Qur’anic meaning conveys a general sense and the word Hadith in different places in Quran means different things but generally (speech, talk, conversation, statement etc). They used the translation of this verse exactly from Dr Kamal Omar a popular Quranist as they tend to call themselves.
Using this Ayah and keeping the word HADITH as is without translating to the right meaning and interpreting this to mean Hadith-e-Nabawi is creating mischief and confusing the believers to make them belief that Holy Qur’an is promising punishment for people who transmitted, collected, read and teach the Ahadith of our ProphetSAS. This is a grave disrespect of the ProphetSAS and his SahabaRZ because the source of Hadith is the ProphetSAS in the first instance and it has been transmitted by his CompanionsRZ. Can you imagine such a scenario when ProphetSAS taught the companions Qur’an and Wisdom and yet they did not understand the command of Allah indulging in Lahw al-Hadith?
AllahSWT says –
Allah did confer a great favour on the Believers when He sent among them a Messenger from among themselves, rehearsing unto them the Signs of Allah, sanctifying them, and instructing them in Scripture and Wisdom, while, before that, they had been in manifest error (S 3: 164).