They are changing the fundamental practices overwhelmingly agreed upon by all the Muslims in general and passing it off as Furooee things. When did the obligatory act of Islam became…
This group believes in doing their own Ijtihad of Shara'i rulings afresh and uses individual verses of Qur'an to form their own opinions regarding various things including Halal vs Hara.…
They believe and now pray all of their Salah including Zuhr and Asr prayers as Jahri. They also insist others to revert to this practice not saying when it was…
They believe Ahram means the state of mind and not the wearing of the ritual cloth for the completion of Hajj or Umrah. Ahram-Not-a-Cloth-but-State-of-MindDownload
As per this new ideology, Hajj can be performed in 4 months instead of concluding the Hajj on the scheduled days of Dhul-Hijja. See below Q&A describing their ideology- Q11:…