This group believes in doing their own Ijtihad of Shara’i rulings afresh and uses individual verses of Qur’an to form their own opinions regarding various things including Halal vs Hara. See below their Q&A regarding what is Haram.
How many dietary things did Kitabullah identified as Haram?
A: Only 4 things: 1. Carrion 2. Blood 3. Pork (swine) meat 4. Slaughtered invoking name other than Allah’s swt. Please see Ayah: 16:115 (Source: posted on the website).
True Belief
The Principle of Shariah are 4 – Qur’an, Sunnat, Ijma’a and Qiyas. The Shariah rulings that are established are based on these. The Mujtahideen have dervived the rulings in their Fiqh based on these principles. There are some differences in each of the Mazhabs no doubt but for Mahdavis the sayings of MahdiAS provide a clear directive on what needs to be done. Hazrat Imamuna Mahdi(AS) is narrated to have said, “Be in the zikr (remembrance) of Allah and do not demand anything. If necessary, ask about an issue of the Shari’at. Do your work as the mujtahids (religious directors) have done a lot of hair-splitting, so that nobody faces any difficulty.” (Insaf Namah)
ImamunaAS also called the Mujtahideen as “Deen ke Pahlwan” and gave them glad tidings of faith. Mahdavis take the solution from the Shara’i ruling based on excellence. If someone has doubt on what excellence could be they should consult their Murshideen who will help them with individual problems rather than interpreting and forming your own opinions. Imagine if layman individuals start taking commands of Qur’an and apply on their personal circumstances what will be the result. It will be Chaos!!